Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Sewing Room

detail shot for my crazy quilting friends!Image by CaZaTo Ma via Flickr

Today I find myself longing to release the creative talents God has given me. I'm winding my way through the hallway, great-room and kitchen, finally reaching the staircase that leads to my sewing room. It is in this room that I find a venue of release, satisfaction and inner healing while piecing together quilts that bring warmth to a person's body and hopefully when the person or persons they are intended for receive them they will also sense a warmth and comfort from the prayers that are generated as I sew.

My maternal grandmother, who has long since passed on, instilled in me at the age of 8 the desire to do what many people have come to know as crazy patch quilting. From this early interest I began to enjoy creating with fabric. I have branched out to aquire a rather lucrative amount of quilting books and fabric. I even joined the Yellowstone Valley Quilter's Guild a few years ago. I no longer am a member; however, I cherish the time and talents passed on to me by many veteran quilters.

It is on days such as today and many more like it when you knock
on the castle door I will be found in one of my most desirable and
favorite rooms. I would be very pleased to show you around and teach you any number of quilting techniques you might want to learn. To me it is in the sharing, giving, and passing along to others that Love is truly given a chance to grow.
I bid you that choose to leave..goodbye..those who wish to remain
Let's let the creative juices and prayers flow as together we begin to sew.

by Pam Fidler

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  1. You should let us see some of your quilts...a crazy quilt sounds wonderful...

  2. At last I get to know what's in the sewing room and what you do there.
    It's awesome how you sit and sew and pray.
    I'd also like to see some pics.

  3. Hey, sweetie! I wonder if God has a sewing room...where He mends broken hearts and lives, patching them up and recreating their bits and pieces into something new and beautiful, just as you do? I love this part of I do the rest of you! May your fingers be nimble for the creation of many more quilts of craziness!

  4. Sunny susan it is so nice of you in the middle of all you have going with schooling starting again and everything else to visit and leave me a comment I am hoping to have a picture or two of some of the quilts in the not to distant future.

  5. Susan Lani thankyou for stopping by to visit and for the comment and yes there will be some pitures in the not to distant future and as I sew and pray I am thinking of the ones the quilts are for and also so many others such as yourself.

  6. Thankyou so much dear Lynn Mosher There have been many a day while I've been sewing when my heart was breaking and HE came along beside me and met me in this sewing room and patched me back together again. Especially when I was going through my winter of dark despair with Clinical depression. This has always been a release and healing for me thankyou so much for expressing your comment the way you did It has truly touched me.
