Friday, June 26, 2009

Bittersweet Joy

I'm glad you've chosen to come along with me to the next room I'm about to enter here at the castle. This room brings bittersweet Joy to me. Before we venture inside I need to linger at the door for a moment or two, while I pause, think and reflect on what we are about to view.

OK, I believe I'm ready now and soon you may understand why I needed to pause before entering this room of Joy. It was only 1 year ago on July 4,2008 that I entered this bittersweet room of Joy when I bid my mom goodbye from this earthly world.

You may be asking how could that possibly bring Joy? The bittersweet part still remains with my longing to hug and hold her again and say "I love you" face to face. The Joy is in knowing that I will one day be united with her again because she was saved by accepting Jesus into her heart as I too have done. Knowing this brings Joy even now as the tears trickle from my eyes.

I will probably revisit this room once in a while; however, as I've mentioned before, there are many more rooms in this old castle to explore. So for now I close the door on this bittersweet room of Joy..........................
Pam Fidler


  1. Pam,
    Just read your post. You will be in my prayers. I can not even begin to imagine that even with the joy of knowing there will be a grand reunion day - the pain of separation must be great at times.

    Thank you for putting your heart out for us to see!

  2. Bitter-sweet. Wow. So very true. Sweet, precious memories. Sad, lonely day, missing her. I know this only too well.

    Bitter-sweet. So very true. What a great reunion we'll have. I can't wait.


  3. Thank you so much for reading and commenting. yes it is painly at times but God is so loving to walk me through those moments.

  4. Gail Hyatt thank you once again for reading my new post and Yes, there are sweet precious memories and there are sad times too. I'm sure God has seen you through your times of sorrow and Joy and He is seeing me through now too. I appreciate your support and comments.

  5. Pam you have a wonderful way of writing....blessings

  6. Thank you so much SunnySusan It's such an honor for you to visit my blogspot and to say that you like my way of writing. It is only through God that I have anything of value to say that might inspire or help anyone. your blog writings have been an inspiration and blessing to me.I appreciate your comment very much.

  7. Pam.. for some reason after following you on twitter.. I did not pay attention to your blog until today.

    I so relate to the post about the loss of your Mother and your trying to move on.

    What a treat to know for sure you'll see her again! I still have to "hope' that my Mother accepted the grace of our precious Savior.

    You are such a blessing in my life. Thank you

  8. Thank you so much Switching Granny for visiting my blog and for leaving this comment. You have inspired me in so many ways and been a wonderful twister on twitter to me since I started following you.

  9. Pam, I find your blog like a path of righteousness, for His namesake....I really relate to your writing, and your heart. Blessings in Christ, and thank you for sharing. Judee Dufresne

  10. Thank you so much JudeeLee for stoping by my blog and for the comment. I'm thankful that the Lord gives me something that you can relate to

  11. may god comfort you in your mother's absence...but like my step-father said when he was dying..."i don't know why you are sad, i get to get to go and you don't"

  12. thanks for leaving this comment Sumpter veterans. It is a great feeling to know your loved one and mine also is with Jesus now.
